CBD is generally well tolerated.[22] Some people report that it makes them sleepy or drops blood pressure. Since there are cannabinoid receptors in the skin, you might notice dry skin after using CBD. But a thorough review showed that pure CBD oil does not effect:
Sensory perception
Alertness, awareness
Food intake
Heart rate
Blood pressure
The review found that extremely high chronic daily doses affected the liver metabolism and some fertility measures, but you need a lot of CBD to get there.
CBD is generally well tolerated.[22] Some people report that it makes them sleepy or drops blood pressure. Since there are cannabinoid receptors in the skin, you might notice dry skin after using CBD. But a thorough review showed that pure CBD oil does not effect:
Sensory perception
Alertness, awareness
Food intake
Heart rate
Blood pressure
The review found that extremely high chronic daily doses affected the liver metabolism and some fertility measures, but you need a lot of CBD to get there.
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